Walks with Jas and Vincent to Vincent's home and pauses to say goodbye. — Emily. Rewards For 100% Completion. This makes her the oldest marriage candidate in Stardew Valley and gives her a lot more free time. Now, we'll consider everything else. Six Hearts Event. 1. 0. Below, you can see a list of all items available for purchase. Four Hearts Event. She spends her days dining on exquisite food, sipping her expensive wine, walking around Pelican. The second part of the event trigger in the west forest at the 27 of Fall after the Spirit's Eve festival. She's one of the twelve characters available to marry. Liked gifts (+45 heart points) All universal likes. Lewis is the mayor of Pelican Town. ) Place the main folder Life Cycle in your Mods folder. The Sexy Hairy Clint Mod changes the Clint we’re used to seeing into a shirtless lumberjack god for you to enjoy when you go to break geodes or purchase resources. There is an overwhelming amount of content in Stardew Valley, but it is possible to get 100 percent completion, or perfection, as it's referred to in the game. The Stardew Valley version of Christmas is called the Feast of the Winter Star, and it takes place on Winter 25 every year. chevron_left. updated Jan 30, 2021. About. Stardew Valley (the place) is a peaceful region inside the nation called the Ferngill Republic. November 10, 2021 Ugne. In this fishing guide,Mining. 4 Galdoran Continent Event Locations. . Fourteen hearts. 0). The Love of Cooking. Prismatic Shard. Go to Pelican Town between 09:00-14:00 on a sunny day. Eight hearts. Lewis is standing in the kitchen. Leveling these skills up provides you with proficiency in your tools (making them use less energy), new crafting recipes, and more. Sandy does not leave the Oasis, and can be found there when the store is open, from. This mod is Romanceable Rasmodius by WerewolfMaster (which is built off of the Wizard Narrative Overhaul mod by haywrites) but made compatible with FlashShifter's Stardew Valley Expanded. Drops a Magma Cap on death. Sources: Stardew Valley Wiki , YouTube. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Enter Pierre’s shop after 8pm when Abigail is there. 5. 0 version is for the beta only). Olivia used to be an accounting manager at Joja and made a load of money via the stock market. It also includes extra features to better streamline it with the lore of SVE. Xtardew Valley and Event Repeater need to be updated, but that's the only issue I can see. Choose download type. Discover a number of hidden secrets, Easter Eggs, and cheats in this Stardew Valley Cheats and Secrets guide. Summer 12 – Crab mating season, causing an unusually. Along with Robin, he greets you when you move to the Valley and explains a little bit about life on the farm. 4:00 PM: Leaves Carpenter’s Shop and walks along the river back home. By 1:30 pm, Haley will decide to go to Alex’s ice cream stand and will arrive at 2:30 pm. Posted via: SMAPI log parser - SMAPI. Grants heroic attributes. You earn a heart every time you accumulate 250 friendship points. But normally, you enable the mature events by going into your mods folder, then the [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded folder, and then opening the config file. She is very shy and mostly keeps to herself. The Sewers, Community Center, Movie Theater, and Spa will remain open. Xtardew Valley [mod description here] Requested translations. The. The Luau is an event in Stardew Valley that takes place on Summer 11 between 9 AM and 2 PM on the Beach. The Xtardew Valley mod enhances your wedding experience with Abigail by giving you a house warming event. These guides cover where to get all the items you'll need to build a successful farm. The Xtardew Valley mod enhances your time in the bath house with Penny. Events and Festivals Event Guide: The Egg Hunt (Spring 13) Event Guide: The Flower Dance (Spring 24) Event Guide: The Luau (Summer 11) Event Guide: The Stardew Valley Fair and Winning The Grange. He will ask you to investigate what he believes to be a rat problem in the old building. Summer 10 – Maru’s birthday. Eight Hearts: enter town between 10:00am and 5:00pm on a sunny Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Fourteen hearts. Fall 5: Elliott’s birthday. 7. In this Gus and Pam cutscene, you need to talk to Pam about the money. This is a fairly simple quest that will be triggered once you reach the fifth floor of the Mines. 6 Hearts - Go to Emily's House when she is inside. Once you unlock the sauna Ashley, Spooky, Recette, Tear and Madotsuki will hang out in it on wednesdays". Buy them a Bouquet at 8 hearts, pamper them to 10 hearts, and then visit the Rock Pools on a rainy day to buy a Mermaid's Pendant. Six hearts. Meet Leah at your front door on any rainy day between 06:00-11:30 or go to Cindersap Forest when Leah is there in spring, summer, or autumn. In Winter, on Monday and Sunday, she visits graveyard at 3:30 PM. It's time for some polyamory, folks! It turns out marrying and dating multiple people, and bui. Opened in 1885 as the. AntiSocialNPCs-5371-1-0-6-1656691163. The Statue of Uncertainty. 4 Hearts - A cutscene. Here is the latest release of Xtardew Valley. ago. Make lots of money in the second year. If you're starting a new save and are installing Marnie-Lewis, change the variable for 'Save' from 'old' to 'new'. Here’s everything you need to know about Stardew Valley Shane’s heart events, and the right answers to his questions. Players by this time of their first year should be able to purchase at least one basic coop in their Stardew Valley playthrough (4,000 gold, 300 wood, and 100 stone) or one basic barn (6,000 gold. Eight Hearts Event. chevron_right. yaml back into an . Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG with support for 1–4 players. The event requires players to enter Pierre's General Store on any evening that Abigail's there, between 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM. This mod at current version change heart events on adult versions for all girls, add someThe earliest and most common point to mining is to collect ore, which is then used to craft and create metal bars, which are also used to craft things and upgrade your tools. For more information, be sure to check out our guide to getting divorced. Hamish explores a mod that teaches you how to hug in the woods real nice, and use a butter churn. Emily's Fourteen Hearts Cutscene. Browse all chevron_right;Harvey’s Schedule. Once again, go to visit Sophia when she is in her house. Writings. Hamish explores a mod that teaches you how to hug in the woods real nice, and use a butter churn. Summer Y1. . It likes scratches under the chin. Go to Cindersap Forest between 09:00-20:00 whilst there’s a storm or rain. 9am: Leaves his house to go to Sam’s house. If you don't go to the bus stop, you will miss the second part of this event. Learn more. Fall 15: Sandy’s birthday. Schedule. Raised after the player pressed/released any buttons on the keyboard, mouse, or controller. If an area becomes misty green, you have entered into an infested floor. At this point, he remains on the. ♡♡ Enter Pierre’s Shop. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Enter Pierre’s shop after 8pm when Abigail is there. Thumbnail background artwork: and Festivals Event Guide: The Egg Hunt (Spring 13) Event Guide: The Flower Dance (Spring 24) Event Guide: The Luau (Summer 11) Event Guide: The Stardew Valley Fair and Winning The Grange. To do this you'll need a range of different resources. Someone find a new hobby! Sebastian’s 14-heart event is nothing more than finding a new hobby. Ten heart event. Place the main folder Life Cycle in your Mods folder. 1:00 pm: Walks further south, left of the lake. Events. ; Use your hoe to till the soil and plant the 15 Parsnip Seeds provided by Mayor Lewis. Sophia's Seven Heart Event Part One. . On top of everything else being easy, activating Rasmodius's heart events is pretty simple and only takes a short walk from your farm: Two Hearts: 6 am to 6 pm in Cindersnap Forest. Go to see Sophia while she is in her house. But, when mining, there are many other things to do and find, as well. Events and Festivals Event Guide: The Egg Hunt (Spring 13) Event Guide: The Flower Dance (Spring 24) Event Guide: The Luau (Summer 11) Event Guide: The Stardew Valley Fair and Winning The Grange. After the Beach Resort on Ginger Island is unlocked, Jodi may randomly spend the day there. These are all useful in various ways. At 4pm he will stand outside Hayley and Emily’s house before returning to his own home at 7pm. This page contains the. chevron_right. It contains the following:-Two new events for Scarlett. This is also her regular schedule and the one she will most likely follow. 6. This time round Ham. Click "Browse local files" under "Manage" and then open the config. Everything is blooming in the Spring time! The game begins on the first day of Spring which makes it the first season of the year. Steam Community :: Video :: Stardew Valley | Xtardew Valley Mod | Haley's Special Picture! Stardew Valley | Xtardew Valley Mod | Haley's Special Picture! "An unsuspecting Hamish McTacklberry has no idea what's about to happen to him. When the player reaches Zero Hearts level Gus will start sending your gifts. The game begins on. News; Statistics; Careers; About us; Premium. When the player leaves the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm. Stardew Valley is a game packed full of things to do. It contains the following:-Two new events for Scarlett. Go to the Stardrop Saloon between 15:00-22:00 when Gus is there. Farm type: Standard. Each villager has a friendship. Wait at least one day, then go to the farmhouse between 06:20-17:00. Then he leaves home and walks south of Leah’s cottage, to the Forest. Tell Haley that it could be her weekly job and get +30 friendship points. But then when i reopen the game, the mod become non existent in the game. Recently added 37 View all 2,446. Do i need to start a new save (which i hope not since im to far in on my old. This magical fellow never leaves his home, meaning you can find him there every day between 06:00 –. Drops a Magma Cap on death. Players at any friendship level may enter during Winter between 10am and 6pm. Spring-only foragable items include wild horseradishes, daffodils, leeks, dandelions, spring onions, morels, and salmonberries. Busily investigating the Stardew Valley Expanded mod as usual, Hamish is about to unwittingly. This one requires you to have a 2-hearts relationship with Emily and. . The beach cannot be entered before 9am. Xtardew Valley at Stardew Valley Nexus - Mods and community. After completing the main story in Stardew Valley, you can gain access to Ginger Island. Ten Hearts: enter Sophia's house at any time during. It’s a cute and harmless statue. . Stardew Valley Leah is a red-headed artist who lives alone in her cottage by Cindersap Lake. This mod adds 27 new NPCs, 50 locations, 260 character events, 27 fish, reimagined vanilla areas, two farm maps, a reimagined world map reflecting all changes, new music, questlines, objects, crops, festivals, and many miscellaneous additions! Share. If you are still in Spring, the best place to find Haley is near the fountain by the Community Center. Must have played at least 5 days in-game. Recently added 37 View all 2,446. Games. It's very slimy. Right after the board is installed, you can start accepting special orders. The salad, one of Leah’s favorite gifts, can be obtained daily at the Stardrop Saloon for 220 coins. Fourteen Heart event - Enter the town between 8:00. This mod contains adult content. zip(AntiSocialNPCs)folder 10KB. Summer 28 – Moonlight Jellyfish Festival | Beach | 10pm. Every night, there is a 0. Valuable items that can be sold, donated, used as gifts, and much more. At this point, he remains on the. Bard and Banker. Choose from the options below. 10PM - 11:50PM. Complete Stardew Valley's Winter Foraging Bundle. OK it's not. updated Jan 30, 2021. Twitter Farm Play. Four Hearts. Table of contents. Welcome to IGN's Tips and Tricks guide for Stardew Valley. DESCRIPTION:This mods aims to bring ad*lt content into Stardew Valley. Two will be presented at a time, but you will only be able to pick one a week. The player can choose to attend the festival by entering the area between 10pm and 12am. These are all the heart events of Gus that you should know. At eight hearts, Leah will either hold an art show in Pelican Town, or set up an art shop on the internet, depending on your answer during her two-heart event. Fall 2: Penny’s birthday. Part I: Go to Marnie's Ranch when Shane is inside. ) Add the script for your event. 게시일. Events and Festivals Event Guide: The Egg Hunt (Spring 13) Event Guide: The Flower Dance (Spring 24) Event Guide: The Luau (Summer 11) Event Guide: The Stardew Valley Fair and Winning The Grange. Note that for running scenes via console the friendship with the girl doesn't matter, only the lewd version (so you only have to set. Pearl. An owl sound will play during the night to hint at its appearance. The following list of Stardew Valley characters are eligible for marriage. Spoiler. There is no AI to compete with and the wilderness provides only the most minor of threats to your progress. Here is the latest release of Xtardew Valley. Villagers provide quests and can be given gifts to increase affection. How to Get the Strange Capsule Event. 1 day ago · Eight heart event. Hamish has fulfilled his quest, but Napoleon is not satisfied. ) ID: 8186182 / 8185119. Plan for 160 crops with a 3x3 square empty in the middle of a field shaped like a plus sign.